馬來西亞致力推動沙巴養殖海藻及蝦商業化 馬來西亞政府積極推動沙巴養殖蝦及海藻成為經濟轉型入口點計畫(Entry Point Projects;EPP) 指定發展重點。另位於馬來西亞、印尼、菲律賓間極具戰略地位的珊租辦公室瑚三角區內的海藻產區,被認定之商業機會(business opportunities)為發展海藻商業化產業。近八成產自珊瑚礁三角區的珊瑚藻(Kappaphycus)是萃取後廣泛使用於製藥業及食品加工業的角叉藻膠(carageenan)。土地買賣EPP以將製藥業擴展成高收益商業規模,也著手在28,000公頃的土地上推動乾燥海藻年產量每公頃自1.5公噸增加至5公噸的海藻小型土地行動。初期將於Pulau Omadal、Semporna水域的Pulau Selakan及Pulau Sebangkat賣房子、沙巴東岸等地開始進行海藻養殖。沙巴也榮獲國家指定為欲進軍優良蝦市場的水產養殖整合最佳範本(IZAQS)之一。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 19/2010)SEAWEED AND SHRIMP AMONG IDENTIFIED UNDER EPP 帛琉IN SABAHUnder the government’s high impact Entry Point Projects (EPP) in Sabah, shrimp and seaweedfarming were identified for further development. One of the business opportunities 裝潢identifiedwas the development of commercial grade seaweed estate, leveraging on the state’s strategiclocation in the Coral Triangle together with Indonesia and the Philippines. The Coral G2000Triangleproduced nearly 80% Kappaphycus seaweed (carageenan) which is of high demand in thepharmaceutical and food processing industries. The EPP also intends to expand the industryinto a 買屋網high-yielding commercial-scale business by developing seaweed mini-estate initiativeaiming to increase yields from 1.5 MT to 5 MT of dry seaweed per hectare a year in a 28,000hectare 酒店打工estate.In the initial stage, seaweed cultivation would be carried out at Pulau Omadal, PulauSelakan and Pulau Sebangkat in Semporna waters, east coast of Sabah. Sabah is also one ofthe states 買屋identified for replicating the Integrated Aquaculture Model (IZAQS) to tap themarket for premium shrimp.

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